A cigar relished by experienced cigar smokers, check out Cigars.com's very own review of the Cornelius & Anthony Senor Esugars today.
La Flor Dominicana Air Bender Review
A cigar known and celebrated for consistancy and character, check out Cigars.com's official review of the La Flor Air Bender.
Oscar Valladares Ciseron Edition Review
A cigar that is hand-rolled only in the smallest batches, find out what we think of the Oscar Valladares Ciseron Edition cigar right here.
Southern Draw Firethorn Review
A cigar renowned for dynamism, the Southern Draw Firethorn is a cigar with plenty of flavor. Find out what we thought to it here at cigars.com
Southern Draw Desert Rose Review
A cigar loved for its complexity, especially when its stored well, Southern Draw's Desert Rose is a cigar to behold. Check out our review today.