Over the centuries, many traditions and unwritten rules have developed around smoking cigars. Whether stepping foot into a cigar lounge for the first time or trying to fit in at a backyard party, it’s helpful to know the do’s and don’ts of cigar smoking to avoid embarrassment. Why is cigar smoking etiquette important? Demonstrating polite…
Southern Draw Jacobs Ladder Toro Cigar Review
We’re directing shade on a cigar whose name stems from the beautiful bell-shaped, lavender-blue flowers known as Jacob’s Ladder. It was released quickly in 2016 to beat the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) August deadline. However, it took another year for one of the boldest smokes in Southern Draw’s portfolio to appear more widely.…
A beginner’s guide to cigar humidors
A cigar’s humidity is its lifeblood. If they’re not stored at their optimum humidity level, your smoking experience will be wholly or partially compromised. This is why a cigar humidor will quickly become your best friend, keeping your smokes in perfect condition until you’re ready to light them up. Given the many brands and humidor…
What are good cigars for beginners?
Whether stepping foot in a cigar lounge or browsing online retailers for the first time, you will be amazed at the endless array of flavor profiles, shapes, sizes, and strengths. We're here to help you find the perfect beginner cigar.
How to taste a cigar
https://youtu.be/8ZEgAy1pYsc?si=mnEQRaBOltwIuimq If you’re new to cigars, identifying their subtle hints and nuances can be daunting. Learning how to taste a cigar is one of the first things you need to master to find the right cigar for your taste buds. What does a cigar taste like? Every person’s palate is sensitive to different cigar aromas…