When Matt Booth left the cigar industry last year, we knew it was only a matter of time before he returned. Like Michael Jordan when he went to play baseball, we knew this legend was going to return sooner or later, and we were not disappointed. Boofy made is entrance back to the industry at the IPCPR show in 2017 showing of two collaborations with dear friend Robert Caldwell. The Hit & Run and The T. proved to be huge success and opened the door for Matt to begin is reconquering of the boutique industry. While he loves working with Caldwell, Matt also wanted to work on his own solo projects every now and again. Well, it has finally been announced that Room 101 is releasing its first solo blend in years.
 The Farce has not officially been released yet, though Matt has teased it at a few small shops and on the world wide web. It is being rolled at the William Ventura Factory, a Dominican facility that Robert Caldwell has called home for a number of years. It uses an Ecuadorian wrapper as well as tobaccos from Indonesia, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic and Pennsylvania. This may go on to be one of the most complex smokes Room 101 has ever created, which is making all of our mouths water with anticipation.
 It is going to be released in 5 sizes including a Lonsdale, Toro and the Room 101 signature Papi Chulo. While it is not available just yet on Cigars.com, this will be among the first places where you can get it. Keep an eye out, because we anticipate the Farce to sell out very quickly and who knows when Boofy will decide to release another. Knowing him, he may retire to South East Asia and open up a noodle shop. Be honest, you would all want to go there…