Can you smoke cigars backwards?

Just because you’re physically capable of smoking a cigar backward does not mean you should.

Smoking a cigar backwards means it is being smoked from the foot to the head. This is an uncommon practice that could negatively affect your cigar-smoking experience. Cigar manufacturers design cigars to be smoked from head to foot. Smoking a cigar from head to foot ensures you experience the blended flavors and aromas the way the manufacturers intended.

Is it ok to smoke a cigar backwards?

Reverse smoking is an uncommon practice where the smoker lights from the head of the cigar using an appropriate cigar lighter and draws smoke in from the foot of the cigar. Technically, it is ok to smoke a cigar backwards — but it is not the traditional (or recommended) method.

Why would you smoke a cigar backwards? 

Someone who decides to smoke a cigar backwards could likely be doing it for experimental purposes. If a person has a favorite cigar, they might become curious about how the flavor transitions are in reverse, as many cigars develop notes the further you smoke. Individuals are free to smoke a cigar however they want, but they must be aware of the potential outcomes that may arise from reverse cigar smoking.

What happens if you smoke a cigar backwards? 

Smoking a cigar backwards is truly a hit-or-miss experience. A large part of it falls on the smoker’s preference.  But for the most part, it could lead to a lackluster smoking experience. For example, if you light it from the head instead of the foot, that raises the chances of having an uneven burn throughout, resulting in a disappointing smoking experience.

Will smoking a cigar backwards affect its performance? 

Smoking a cigar backwards can significantly affect its performance. Since cigars are designed to be smoked from head to foot, doing the opposite could lead to many issues. Some of these include uneven burning and problems with the draw. 

One of the most significant issues you could face from smoking a cigar backwards is the wrapper unraveling. Since the head of a cigar typically has a cap that holds the wrapper in place, you would only be raising your chances of compromising your smoking experience. 

Will smoking a cigar backwards impact its taste? 

There is a high chance that smoking a cigar backwards will impact the taste of a particular blend. 

As you smoke a cigar the traditional way, you’ll notice that each blend offers a plethora of flavors that transition into each other as you go through it. When you smoke a cigar backwards, you disrupt that intended progression, and the transition between flavor notes might not be as smooth. 

A cigar is meant to be a linear smoking experience. Breaking from the traditional methods could result in being exposed to a harsher smoking experience with less identifiable flavor notes.

Which end of a cigar should you smoke from?

The traditional way to smoke a cigar is to start from the head and go down to the foot. When you smoke this way, you’re can experience the cigar the way the specific brand designed it to be enjoyed. If you are keen to spice up your smoking experience, there are multiple ways to go about it other than smoking in reverse. We would recommend exploring different cigar blends to see which one fits your palate.

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