Produced by one of the most highly successful cigarmakers in Nicaragua, Samurai cigars are the latest addition to the AJ Fernandez family of award winning premium cigars. As for the name: The cigars were inspired by the Samurai's thousand-year-old moral/philosophical code of "Bushido" which emphasizes standing tall with honor, courage, mastery of martial arts, and loyalty to a master. Samurai cigars are available in four popular sizes that feature a combination of rare Criollo and Piloto Cubano long filler tobaccos from Nicaragua covered by a Criollo binder and a beautiful, silky smooth, Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Premium cigar warriors with enjoy a flawlessly rolled medium-to-full bodied cigar , offering rich, complex flavors of earth, black pepper, leather, and cinnamon, backed by a sweet and spicy finish. Order a 10-count box of Samurai cigars today, and savor every moment of this honorable blend from famed cigar master AJ Fernandez.