Davidoff Gift Selection
Premium Selection 12-Pack
The Davidoff Cigar Assortments 12-Count Premium Selection contains some of the finest cigars that I have ever smoked. . Presented in a fantastic assortment of great shapes and sizes, every cigar in this sampler consisted of perfectly aged Dominican long fillers, covered by beautiful wrappers in various shades. Unlike most cigar samplers on the market today, this 12-cigar assortment comes elegantly packaged in boxes containing the description of each cigar, so that you will always know the full details of every cigar that you are smoking. If you weren’t a Davidoff fan before, you sure will be after trying this fantastic sampler.
- Qty
- $277.99
- Wrapper Type Various
- Binder Various
- Filler Various
- Origin Various
- Wrapper Shade Various
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