Introduced to the scene in 1996 at the height of the handmade premium cigar boom, Rocky Patel Cigars have since grown to have an immense portfolio of top-rated blends in their search for the perfect cigar. Now boasting two factories, El Paraiso in Danli, Honduras, and TaviCusa in Esteli, Nicaragua, Rocky Patel produces millions of top-notch cigars each year to reach the humidors of loyal customers, with each stick boasting top-notch construction allowing for a smooth draw and even burn from one smoke to the next. From the shockingly affordable Edge Series to the famous Vintage Series, to the coffee-infused Java Series, there is a top-quality Rocky Patel to suit any aficionado’s palate and budgetary needs. One of my favorite offerings from Rocky Patel is the ALR Second Edition, a top-shelf smoke blended with Nicaraguan long filler and binder tobaccos under a dark and oily San Andres Mexican wrapper, then aged an additional two years after rolling to bring out the best flavors the tobaccos have to offer. Whichever blend you prefer from the Rocky Patel Cigars lineup, order them online at!